from sofia
“There isn’t a person you wouldn’t love if you could read their story.”
That quote has been my mother’s favorite, and has been her instagram bio, for as long as I can remember. As a therapist, my mother has instilled in me a deep-set curiosity in understanding other people and their stories. My father, on the other hand, instilled in me an appreciation for the classics — ranging from artists such as David Bowie and the Beastie Boys, to films like Fargo, which necessitated endless William H. Macy impersonations on my dad’s end. Neither of my parents are artists, technically. But I am an artist because of them. In my family, art brings us closer to one another— storytelling is an act of love. I believe it is a gift and privilege to share that love with the world. I hope to create and produce art that instills this appreciation in others, and brings us all a bit closer to mutual understanding through our shared humanity.
I do this because it makes me feel more alive. It is my ultimate goal to help make others feel that way too.